What is Chitzo inu?

Chitzo inu is Next Generation of Mems

What is the Chitzo inu AI Mining idea?

Earning passive income is simple with Chitzoinu : just burn $Chitzo tokens in our AI Mining App, and you'll start earning rewards every second, forever (145% APY)

What is staking and Launch Pool?

The staking program rewards community members who support the long-term vision of the project by holding their $Chitzo tokens. By participating in staking, you will receive $Chitzo rewards through the Launch Pool platform. staking $Chitzo will also provide voting rights and a voice in the platform's decision-making process. Stay updated by checking our roadmap for the launch of the staking Launch Pool platform.

I need help

If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out to our community by posting in our Telegram group or emailing us at support@chitzoinu.org We will be more than happy to assist you!

Where can I interact with & meet other community members?

Please join our telegram group, where you can meet the community!

What makes Chitzo inu special?

Chitzo Inu stands out from the competition by guaranteeing a lifetime of passive income. Our commitment to sustainable and profitable investment options drives us to continually innovate and improve our offerings.

How can I buy $Chitzo tokens ?

For now you can join our Presale to buy $chitzo token from Presale Platform

Last updated